For The People, by The People
An organic, people-led, holistic healing initiative that aims to educate, support, and empower people to take responsibility for their own health.
Prevent rather than treat
Shift the paradigm from treating dis-ease to creating a whole-person prevention plan that encompasses all aspects of healing.
Take responsibility for your own health
Have the freedom to choose your own health path and take responsibility for what works best for you.
Do you believe that the future of healthcare in the US depends on our collective commitment to seek out and find new and better wellness solutions that more directly address the healing needs of individuals?
If so, then welcome to The People’s Health Alliance (PHA) United States of America (USA)
We are inspired and motivated by the incredible groundwork laid by The People’s Health Alliance of the United Kingdom (the-pha.org). Since April 2022, PHA-UK has created a worldwide movement to give ALL people a chance to make important life-changing decisions about their personal health and well-being, as well as that of their families and their communities. Similarly, here at PHA-USA, it is our belief that, when it comes to healthcare, all US citizens should be able to learn about and utilize as wide a variety as possible of health and healing modalities to address and resolve their specific healthcare needs.
Growing concern regarding the viability, accessibility, and effectiveness of the current healthcare system has forced us to think longer and harder about how to deliver quality healthcare here in the States. In response to that concern, PHA-USA is assembling a growing group of practitioners here in the US who represent a broad spectrum of health/wellness modalities; each presents a potential path to assist you on your healing journey. Additionally, PHA-USA is helping to establish regional ambassadors who will lead the efforts close to their communities to help create access for all seeking support on their journey of healing however that looks for the individual.
Whether they be allopathic or holistic practices, PHA-USA is here to provide resources, such as education, options, and a roadmap that will hopefully empower your decisions and steer you toward a higher level of health and well-being.
Here is what we know — each of us individually can make a difference in the health and well-being of ourselves, our families, our community, our country, and our world.
YOU decide
YOU choose
YOU guide YOUR journey
Whether you use PHA-USA for educational purposes, finding a local practitioner and utilizing their services, volunteering, donating, or just passing the link on to someone you know, you’ve done something amazing. For that, we are grateful to you for your service to others.
The PHA Principles:
Treat everyone with respect.
Act in the best interest of our clients and colleagues.
Work collaboratively and communicate effectively.
Take responsibility for our own actions.
Acknowledge that we are all equals regardless of role.
Remain lawful.
Empower people to take responsibility for their own health.
Commit to self-improvement and learning new things.
Always do our best for ourselves and others.
Embrace an integrated approach.
The People’s Health Alliance (PHA-UK) have put together an all-encompassing simple step-by-step guide to help empower you for better health, leading to a better daily life and a better you!
Download a copy of the PHA Heath Optimisation Programme to learn more
Healthcare that works
Create meaningful relationships with your healthcare team who support your healing journey.