Mission: We believe all people have an inherent right to health care. We will help empower people to take responsibility for their own health in mind, body, and spirit, promoting access to the widest array of preventative and treatment options. Our mission is to return choice to the individual and local communities, avoiding a one-size-fits-all mentality.
Vision: We envision a future where healers and practitioners share their gifts abundantly within their communities and beyond - a future where we embrace a love for living to the fullest and maintaining our bodies, minds, and spirits in peak condition. We believe in the transformative energy of people coming together with the courage to create and express themselves in ways that are unique and authentic. We believe in the healing power of the natural world. We believe in the potential for healing in all of us.
We are a growing collaborative of people from all walks of life who share concerns about the condition of our current healthcare system. The decline of doctors and accessibility to healthcare services across all age groups, across all cities, and across the country is having a significant impact on our health and wellness.
PHA-USA is bringing together local communities, like-minded practitioners, and resources for all who share the common goal of wanting to participate in positive, effective changes for health and wellness for all individuals. We envision a country where everyone is encouraged to be responsible for their own health; where each person enjoys the opportunity to make health choices according to what they believe to be best for themselves.
We do not tolerate chronic ill health as the standard. We endorse moving away from a disease model of care towards one that optimizes the potential for full, vibrant health for all. We see a shift towards embracing healthy lifestyle choices that incorporate complimentary healing modalities into everyone’s care plan, side by side with allopathic treatments, so that all wellness paths are respected as viable options. We are assisting in developing people-led initiatives in local communities, based on the needs of those individual communities.
We are connecting, inspiring, collaborating, and supporting all on their healing journeys.
Todd Sergot - Executive Director
I am very grateful to be a part of The People’s Health Alliance (PHA) USA and I am also grateful for my wonderful, energetic team that has helped to bring this mission to reality for the USA.
I am a practicing Reiki and Sound Healer and the principles of PHA align very well with my approach to helping people heal. I look forward to helping to further the overall mission started by Katherine MacBean in April of 2022
Linda Boutilier - Director of Development
As a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in southern New England, I practice psychotherapy holistically, incorporating what I have learned from Energy Psychology, Internal Family Systems Therapy and psychodynamic therapies, including Sand Play. I have a background in children’s mental health and a passion for changing the way we provide services to young people and their families.
As a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in southern New England, I practice psychotherapy
holistically, incorporating what I have learned from Energy Psychology, Internal Family Systems therapy
and psychodynamic therapies, including Sand Play. I have a background in children’s mental health, and
a passion for changing the way we provide services to young people and their families.
In my integrative practice, I incorporate energy psychology methods to guide clients on a healing
journey, empowering clients to take responsibility for their own healing. I respect the healing process as
natural and available to all of us. However, I believe that psychological trauma and destructive beliefs
about one’s ability to heal interfere with the natural healing process on physical, emotional, and
spiritual levels. I encourage my clients to have compassion for the parts of themselves that have been
hurt, so they can embrace all parts of themselves as worthy of thriving.
I came to the PHA, like many people, after following Pam Gregory, the gifted astrologer, whose
interview with Katherine MacBean was fundamental in launching the PHA around the world.
At that time, I was recovering from some chronic and acute health issues. Supporting the mission of the
PHA has given me, in a sense, a new lease on life. Their vision of health care providers cooperating to
empower us all on our healing journeys, resonated deeply with me, and was in synch with my own
vision as a healer.
As a practitioner, I have been aware of dysfunction within the current health care systems for more
than twenty years. I have been waiting for a grass roots health revolution to address many of the
problems I have experienced, both as a provider and as a consumer.
At the beginning of the new millennium, I began to study alternative healing practices including Reiki,
Touch for Health, Quantum Touch, Emotional Freedom Technique, and the Tapas Acupuncture
Technique. At the same time, I created my own health care team of healing professionals, who offer
naturopathic, homeopathic, chiropractic and energy healing treatments in conjunction with allopathic
Now I want to share what I have learned with healers all over the world. I especially want to help
families consciously raise children to be aware of all the choices available to them. I want young people
to respect the natural healing process that is their birthright, and to live life to the fullest. I see a world
where the gifts that children bring to the earth, are fully appreciated, enabling them to accomplish their
spirit’s mission and to shine their incredible light on us all.
Janice offers insight into PHA with Heather Ensworth
Janice Montague - Director of Operations
My connection to PHA comes by way of a lifelong interest and curiosity about all things natural. My childhood years were spent surrounded by nature and I was very fortunate to be able to witness its power and “majesty” on a daily basis. There was always something new and mysterious to explore, understand, and appreciate. It always offered up its very best and I learned early how to receive it in awe and with gratitude.
I am one of 8 siblings and we all experienced our surroundings in our own unique way but the underpinning was the same, i.e., always feeling the all-encompassing connection with the earth and being so grateful for being able to receive the benefits of that connection. As elders now, we talk about it all the time. We all agree that, notwithstanding our individual life accomplishments, those were the best and most magical days of our lives.
As I moved away from home to establish my own presence in the world, I knew I was equipped to achieve whatever I focused on, as long as I was willing to do the work. If you study nature, you’ll see that is the essence of it! A tree or a flower focuses on one thing; becoming a tree or a flower. It does all of the hard work, blocks out any and all distractions, and refuses to veer from its path for fear of not becoming what it sole purpose is to become: a tree or a flower.
So with lots of focus and hard work, and many bumps and bruises along the way, I completed my higher education, obtained multiple professional certifications, had 2 successful careers (one in science and one in law/government), married an amazing man, had 3 beautiful children, co-parented them successfully to adulthood, retired comfortably from the work world, have maintained a decent level of physical health and vitality, and now I am experiencing the true joy of being a grandmother to 4 spirited little light beings who literally light up my life every day (ages 16, 14, 6 and 2).
With all of that work accomplished, I have always understood that “To whom much is given, much is required”. I want to believe that, in spite of life’s inevitable challenges, I’ve made a fairly decent contribution to society so far. But these days and times require those of us who have been blessed with abundance (if you’re reading this, yes, you have abundance!) to use our remembrance of who we are (source energy in human form) to lift up those who want to know more and do more for themselves and others. We are all here to be like the tree and the flower; to co-create in that fashion while enjoying all the perks that come along with our uniquely human experience.
Even before retirement, I’d been asking the universe to guide me in this way. Enter PHA-UK in January 2022 and now PHA USA in 2023. True blessings show up always in divine timing. I am so grateful for this opportunity to co-create this spirit-inspired support network with the PHA USA team!
Jill Moretti, RN, BSN, APRN - Director of Finance
I was moved to join in the creation of PHA-USA with my incredible teammates out of a love for my patients, my family, and my friends. It’s time to move beyond the confines of current systems to create something new, and out of this intention springs this grassroots, people-focused initiative for health.
I have worked in the health care system as it is for nearly 50 years, starting as a candy striper, essentially a volunteer with the nursing department of my local hospital. I wanted to know if I really wanted to become a nurse. With that question settled, I obtained a baccalaureate degree in nursing while working summers as a certified nursing assistant, which offered invaluable experience. A move to Rhode Island for my husband’s first job as an electrical engineer enabled me to pursue a Master’s degree in psychiatric-mental health nursing from the University of Rhode Island. I started out doing psychotherapy and was instrumental in securing prescriptive privileges several years later. I became a hypnotherapist and my spiritual journey led me to understand energy work, which I enjoy and use with my patients.
Over the past several years I have been concerned not only with the state of health care, but with the state of health of many of us, and I know we can do better. I was very impressed with PHA-UK, especially their user-friendly, comprehensive “prescription” for achieving and maintaining health, and I knew I wanted to contribute to this movement. I am grateful it’s now a reality here in the United States as well as in several other countries and look forward to the growth and development of PHA-USA!
Here is the most recent interview with Pam Gregory and Katherine Macbean